Witchin’ Hour

“The rules are well written and there are some very clever ideas in the system.”
-Eoghan Kelly, Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy magazine-
The Witchin’ Hour skirmish game has been successfully funded on 2 March, 2020 on Kickstarter. It was 270% funded and unlocked several stretch goals.
Witchin’ Hour is a 2-player, miniature agnostic, tabletop skirmish game that pits Witch Hunters and their retinues of righteous men against foul Witches and their henchmen.
The following Witchin’ Hour items are available:
Just write us an e-mail with your order and we will provide you with all the details including shipping costs.
– Rulebook (200 x 275 mm, softcover (300 grs. laminated paper), 64-pages (130 grs. silk finished paper), full colour, sewn stitched and glued), including a Quick Reference Sheet (A4, double-sided full colour print with mat laminate): € 30,00

– Game tokens (A set of about 90 laser cut 3 mm thick wooden tokens): € 12,50

– Warband/Coven sheet (Full color printed A4 sheets, 50 sheets on a block): € 12,50

Solo rules (A4, softcover (250 grs. paper), 38-pages (130 grs. paper), full colour: € 12,50

– Digital rulebook: € 12,50
– Digital QRS: € 1,50
– Digital Warband/Coven sheet: € 1,50
– Digital file of spell- and item cards (with this file you can print double sided cards containing all spells/items/skills etc from the rulebook): € 3,50
– Digital solo rules (supplement rules for playing solo games, original rulebook needed): € 5,-
Witchin’ Hour is also available at:
Wargames Vault
Noble Knight Games (USA)
Caliver Books (UK)
More about the game
Armed with swords and unshakable faith you will hunt and fight the loathsome Witches that roam the land and prey on the weak and innocent. Or hurl deadly spells and order numerous dedicated cultists into the fray to get rid of those meddlesome soldiers.
Choose a side and determine the faith of the innocent populace of the land.

The rules presented in the rulebook give players the tools to form a warband or coven of their own liking and equip them with the weapons, spells and skills they want.
There are no restrictions to setting or time period.
The game has a new way of deploying your forces, making this phase less static and gives players the opportunity to outwit their opponent from the start. During the activation phase models can respond to actions of the active player by using tokens. Spend your tokens wisely and thwart your opponent’s plans. Close combat is straightforward and you can try to outbluff your opponent when choosing how many dice you will roll for the attack or defence. A single roll of the dice determines the outcome of a close combat. So there is no need to roll separately for to hit, wounds and saves.
Witchin’ Hour is our first fully developed game that was first published through Kickstarter.
The main focus was to publish the hard copy rulebook. This is a softcover book with 64 full color pages, crammed with rules, warband creation, narrative scenario’s and a campaign system.

Below you can find a link to a play-through video by SkirmishWargames.com
There is no line of models to accompany this ruleset. The simple reason for this is that there are so many good models to be found to use in this game.
Here is a list of several manufacturers to get you started:
Foundry/Warmonger Miniatures; witches, peasants and monks
North Star Military Miniatures; their Frostgrave range has boxes with soldiers for mercenaries and cultists as well as wolf models
Heresy Miniatures; witch model (very suitable as a Supreme Witch)
Hasslefree Miniatures; Witch Hunter
Otherworld Miniatures; suitable mercenary models, donkey and various D&D type NPC models
Reaper Miniatures; big spiders and such
Bad Squiddo Games; a suitable Witch Hunter model (or Vampire Hunter)
Crooked Dice; they have some nice attack dog models
Zenit Miniatures; they have a very usable monk model
This is just a small list, there are so many good models to be found. Keep in mind that you can also use sci-fi models or modern day type models. The rules are not fixed on fantasy type games.